#YOUCANTOO⚡️ GELA The multi-tasking career mom queen of cobbles

You Can Too: An NGNM series of inspirational stories from everyday women.

Enjoy the second story of this inspirational series.
Meet Gela, a cyclist, mother of one and busy career woman. She manages to find time to explore and express her creativity whilst cycling and yes, #YouCanToo⚡️.

We asked Gela to tell us a little more about herself, both on and off the bike.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome? - Whether that’s mentally or physically.

I think the biggest challenge, both mentally and physically, was to become a mother. I had a pretty fast-paced and intense life before that because I started to work in my profession right after I graduated from university and on top off that worked as a DJ on the weekends and sometimes during the week. That was my life and that is how I defined myself. Being a mother ruled out going to techno parties on the weekends (it would not have been possible due to lack of sleep).

Music was my escape and it gave me the possibility to channel and process things. It also gave me the possibility to be creative. Both pregnancy and birth were a big challenge – as was the first year. Being at home, without my work and without the music [I couldn't listen to (electronic) music anymore either] it was all just kind of numb.

Don't get me wrong, being a mother is a wonderful thing, but I felt very lost in the beginning and I didn't really know who I was anymore. After a year, I started working again and from that moment on I started to feel more like myself, only modified. Then I discovered road biking - and found something that made me feel like myself again - the love for music also came back. I leaned into expressing my creativity – taking photos to express my feelings.

Thank you cycling.

youcantoo gela berlin ngnm

What 3 words would you use to describe cycling?


We all have a person who we look up to or inspires us in cycling, who is that person for you?

This is not an easy one to answer. I am impressed by people who can go beyond their own comfort zones and boundaries because they have the mental strength for it. People who do not give up and face the difficult situations.

gela cobbles ngnm youcantoo

If you could change one thing about cycling, what would it be?


What's your "specialty"?

Taking breaks and pictures 😉 … And okay... Cobbles.

Do you ride solo? If yes, how did you do it the first time?

I cycle 90% of the time alone and I really like it. There it is just me, my bike, my will power and music. In the beginning, I planned my routes with Komoot, but now I have fixed routes that I ride: 20, 50, 75, 100 and 130 km - it depends on how much time I have 😃.

gela berlin ngngm performance bib shorts dark chocholate brown

You see another woman cyclist coming your way you...:

  1. say hello,
  2. look the other way,
  3. nod
  4. scream hell yeah!

I don’t think this is only applicable to female cyclists, but to anyone who I meet along the way. When I started riding a road bike, I always said hello – at least I thought so. But over time it became frustrating that many people didn’t greet me back. Now after 1.5 years on the bike I have come to understand that there are situations where I can't get back to my fellow cyclists because the mood or situation does not allow for me to wave or nod. Mainly because I am in a tunnel and I don't notice anything. But in general, I greet - maybe not as enthusiastic as at the beginning - but I greet.

youcantoo gela berlin performance jersey deep purple

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