About us

No Gods No Masters® (NGNM) is a technical and lifestyle cycling apparel brand dedicated to women with the ambition of connecting as many of us as possible around the globe, share the passion for the sport, and empower each other via cycling. 
We often hear people ask us the same question: “why the name?”.
The slogan No Gods No Masters was used in the early 1900’s by women rights activist groups to emancipate women both in the workplace and at home.
Equal rights and equal pay, simple message.  Funny enough a century later we’re still striving for the same things.

We have taken the No Gods No Masters slogan into this cycling space in order to propel a new attitude for ourselves forward… 
Empowerment and emancipation start from within first.
NGNM is an echo of a mindset, an attitude for practicing this amazing sport, for achieving our goals together and breaking free from that inner voice that sometimes whispers in our ears that it’s too hard and that we’re not enough.
The grit, the sweat, the determination in managing our fatigue, that constant inner voice that tells us ‘you can do it’ ‘hang in there’, the joy of hearing a perfect smooth gear shift... This is what cycling is, a shared personal inner journey, a meditation in movement & No Gods No Masters® is just a secret mantra to cross that imaginary line that we’ve set for ourselves!

Lastly, as women, we deserve to have the best.
NGNM started with the quest to create the perfect pair of bib shorts for women, a product that wouldn’t compromise in any way. Gone are the days for entry-level cycling gear.
We're an Italian brand proudly offering high-end products via the craft of the best artisans & industry players in our own country. We believe that outstanding quality shows in the smallest details, in the fabric & components selection, in offering smart and technically advanced solutions.
We've been in the sport for a long time, right when there wasn't any women-specific gear, and we had to often compromise with the smallest men's sizes.
The industry has shifted a great deal since then, and we're proud to do our part and acknowledge women in cycling!
Together we're stronger, and this propelled us into organising women-only events, whether virtual on Zwift (weekly) or in RL like the United We Are tour and gravel camp.

On this note, we are a small & dynamic female led & run team based in Milan, Italy, with international remote workers.
We work as a team, all helping each other in the different roles, making sure the camaraderie we want to see on the road extends to our working space and company culture.

No Gods No Masters® is here to serve you.
Smart cycling apparel for women.

Our starting point and mission: 

to create the perfect
bib shorts for women.

We all deserve the perfect kit for riding. The bicycle, a key symbol in the women’s suffragette movement over a century ago gave way and reason for the first women wearing pants, and not a skirt. 100 years later, shorts are still essential to women’s cycling, but still hadn’t caught up to the men’s technologies.

A mere decade ago if you walked into a bike shop, looking for women’s specific shorts, you were shown only one or two options: a super high end, extremely expensive pair, and then something bottom of the range. Only a few brands were offering anything for women. Everything else was designed and built for men.

For a piece of technical clothing, so inherently built to fit around specific anatomy, it was difficult to find shorts that were comfortable, flattering and simply worked for long hours on a bike. No Gods No Masters set out in 2015 to change that.

We started the brand to build the perfect pair of bib shorts for women”.

Two years of R&D

Where do you start with designing the perfect pair of shorts? With all the ones that didn’t work and why. Milly de Mori, founder of NGNM had been riding for years, designing her team kit and trying to find solutions that worked for her, to no avail.

“It all started with the idea of producing a pair of bib-shorts that allowed easier nature breaks. All of the solutions that I had sketched out were somehow already protected by trademark. Eventually I decided that I needed to start with a traditional pair of shorts instead.
Those 2 years were crucial to laser focus on the fundamental traits that an ideal pair of women’s bib shorts needed to have. We did a lot of trial and tests with competitive brands, until I found the perfect solution. There’re so many factors to take into account to make it just right.
I personally tested all of the options for a chamois and, by being very very sensitive to saddle discomfort, it took a while to find the perfect one. We worked closely with Elastic Interface in getting the right width, shape and density.” - Milly De Mori

The Result

After two years the NGNM bibs were launched. Long cut legs give a flattering silhouette, and the fabric offers the right balance between compression and elasticity. An unbanded leg eliminated “sausage legs” and two years of research gave way to the perfect chamois for the largest range of women.

But it doesn’t end there. There’s touch quality of the fabric, color fastness, washing resilience, resistance to pilling… and last but not least the issue of transparency.

Five Years

It’s been five years since the inkling of the idea started.
Now, in 2021 we design clothing and solutions that have more than one case-use. The versatile chamois works for on and off road riding (from MTB to gravel). Our premium positioning reflects the quality of the garment, but with the greater versatility, we hope our customers will find they only need our summer and winter shorts for the whole year. With adaptable leg warmers and over-layers, the NGNM shorts will sort you out through the whole year.
Our tagline is “Smart cycling apparel for women” for a reason. More than one use, happy customers, less waste, better planet.

“In the five years we’ve started women’s rides around Europe.
We like to see more women ride together, rely on each other and find the magic of “cycling sisterhood”.
We are keen to see more women gain the confidence to ride on their own or in women’s groups without necessarily the help/security of having a guy around, be that a friend, husband or boyfriend.

“In Europe it is still not common enough to see women’s cycling groups, but as cycling adoption grows all over the world, we want to see more of this and be a catalyst for the community. With NGNM rides and mindset we build camaraderie, and family; and inherently grow the platform for women’s cycling. No Gods No Masters embraces a supportive and inclusive mentality and we are here to create a loving and accepting community of female riders.” - Milly de Mori 

The next five years

What is next for us? As close as we think our bibs are to perfect, we will never stop working on them. Every new season brings new technologies and new opportunities for improvement. We won’t rest on our laurels, and we endeavour to continue to climb higher, not only on our bike, but in our range.

We are set to continue to push for women to emancipate themselves via cycling and not limited to cycling. We are still moving towards overcoming barriers ourselves and we are side by side in the journey.

Join us!

You don’t have to own a single NGNM to be part of our growing community.
Your voice is important no matter what. Are you female, non binary / female identifying?
Are you sympathetic to the cause of women’s cycling?
Join our mailing list, join us on Zwift and be part of the revolution, of the wheels, and the bigger picture. Join us and let’s move forward together!

Colorway and styles

NGNM Performance winter tights front
NGNM Performance winter tights front
NGNM Performance Winter Tights Reflective logo side
Performance winter tights back
Performance winter tights full length chamois windproof waterproof
Performance Winter Tights reflective logo long leg windproof water repellent DWR
Performance winter tights high waist comfort mesh back
Performance Winter long winter tights windproof water repellent reflex logo
Winter long winter tights reflective logo
Winter long winter tights windproof water repellent
NGNM Performance Winter Tights mesh strap
slider|NGNM performance winter tights
slider|NGNM performance winter tights long leg chamois

Performance Winter Tights

Performance Winter Bib Shorts
Performance Winter Bib Shorts
Performance Winter Bib Shorts
No Gods No Masters Winter Performance Bib Shorts black front
NGNM Winter Performance Bib Shorts black Side
No Gods No Masters Winter Performance Bib Shorts black back
Performance Winter Bib Shorts
Performance Winter Bib Shorts
NGNM windproof premium Winter Performance Bib Shorts
slider|winter bibs with leg warmers NGNM
slider|performance winter bib shorts with leg warmers
slider|winter bibs shorts no leg warmers NGNM
slider|NGNM Performance Bib Shorts hero black

Performance Winter Bib Shorts

No Gods No Masters Classic  Performance Bib shorts black front black logo
No Gods No Masters Classic  Performance Bib shorts black front black logo
Performance Bib Shorts - Black (Black Logo)- 2 lengths NEW
No gods no masters Short leg Performance Bib shorts black logo front
No Gods No Masters Classic Performance Bib shorts black side black logo
No gods no masters Short leg Performance Bib shorts black logo side
No Gods No Masters Performance Bib shorts black logo back
No Gods No Masters Classic Performance Bib shorts black logo back
Black logo details no gods no masters performance bib shorts
No Gods No Masters Short leg short frontal performance bib shorts black
Classic short frontal performance bib shorts black no gods no masters
Performance Bib Shorts - Black (Black Logo)- 2 lengths NEW
Performance Bib Shorts - Black (Black Logo)- 2 lengths NEW
No Gods No Masters Classic Performance Bib Shorts
slider|NGNM Performance Bib shorts long and short leg
slider|NGNM Performance Bib shorts classic and short leg
slider|NGNM Performance Bib shorts hero black back

Performance Bib Shorts - Black (Black Logo)- 2 lengths NEW

NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown front
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown front
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown side long leg
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown back logo
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown long leg cut
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown black logo
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown - detail
NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown net back
slider|NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown deep purple jersey
slider|NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown aubergine jersey
Performance Bib Shorts - Dark Brown
slider|NGNM Performance Bibs Dark Brown black logo

Performance Bib Shorts - Dark Brown
